
I really like this picture. It might not be the best picture of me, I might not look as good as I do in other pictures, but I still love this picture. It's just such a comfortable picture of me. It's just me relaxing, in a chair in the house I grew up in.
Don't get me wrong. I love this house, the one we live in now, but it's not where I spent my childhood. That was spent at my grandfather's house and a lot of it was spent in the room in this picture, now a sort of central place with a table and chairs, a recliner and bookcases. But it used to be my playroom.
The location isn't the only reason I love this picture. I just love how relaxed and content I look and comfortable--that house might not be my home anymore, but I'll always be welcome there and I know it.
This picture was actually taken the night before my grandfather's 92nd birthday. There was a family dinner and I was waiting for that to begin and for the rest of them to stop playing scrabble (which I hate).
This is probably the most pointless entry I've ever done, but I really wanted to post this photo. Just becasue I like it so much.
Maybe because this photo is me. I'm not dressed up, I'm not posing, I'm just being myself--relaxing in one of the places I'm most comfortable, around people I love. This is the real Michelle.
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