Twenty-Two Years Ago

This picture is twenty-two years old. A picture of a newborn baby girl sleeping in the hospital nursery.
I was once that baby girl.
This is the very first picture ever taken of me. The little girl born at Scarborough General Hospital twenty-two years ago today.
Don't I look so little? So sweet and inncoent? I'm not usually overly impressed by my baby pictures (I was fat, bald and tended to drool a lot), but this one is pretty adorable.
My father told me that he spent hours just staring through the window and looking at me in the hospital nursery. He said he was just so amazed that he and my mother had created something so small and innocent, and (in his words) so perfect.
Of course, the baby girl grew up and there were moments over the following twenty-two years where my parents thought I was anything but perfect.
But in that moment, I was a blank canvas in many ways. My parents didn't know who I was going to be, they could only wait and guess at the personality I would have and the things I would do.
Twenty-two years later, I've obviously painted in some of that canvas. My personality has been molded and in those twenty-two years the people around me have gotten to know me and my parents got to watch the personality unfold.
The last twenty-two years have been interesting ones. My life. So many twists and turns and choices. All the things that have made me the person I am and it started with that little baby in the picture.
That was me, on this day so long ago... Or at least it seems like a long time ago now.
I'm not sure this post makes a lot sense, blame in on birthday musings and I'll add: Happy Birthday to me!